Logistic & Storage Area

A Solution designed to help you store all imported items
that is not free of taxes and customs duties yet.

Your business comes first

with years of experience in the field, we designed a solution that covers everything your business needs.

lower your costs

Reduce your costs while your products are still in the customs duties.

Save time

Store your products and goods near the port and save time moving them.

Increase customer satisfaction

A solution designed to support your supply chain with a full transportation  

Container Yard

The container-storage yard is of particular importance for seaport container terminals since it is the terminal’s central part from both the geographical and the processual point of view. Most of the terminal operations either originate from or cease at the container-storage yard, such that most terminal operations are directly or indirectly affected by the storage-yard operations. Therefore, the operational performance of seaport container terminals as a whole is to a large extent determined by the operations of the container-storage yard.

Car Parking Space

This innovative solution connects people to both services and goods, offering sustainable, easy, and accessible ways for both consumers and businesses alike.

Logistic & Storage Area

A Solution designed to help you store all imported items
that is not free of taxes and customs duties yet.

Your business comes first

with years of experience in the field, we designed a solution that covers everything your business needs.

lower your costs

Reduce your costs while your products are still in the customs duties.

Save time

Store your products and goods near the port and save time moving them.

Increase customer satisfaction

A solution designed to support your supply chain with a full transportation  

Container Yard

The container-storage yard is of particular importance for seaport container terminals since it is the terminal’s central part from both the geographical and the processual point of view. Most of the terminal operations either originate from or cease at the container-storage yard, such that most terminal operations are directly or indirectly affected by the storage-yard operations. Therefore, the operational performance of seaport container terminals as a whole is to a large extent determined by the operations of the container-storage yard.

Car Parking Space

This innovative solution connects people to both services and goods, offering sustainable, easy, and accessible ways for both consumers and businesses alike.

All your logistics solutions under one roof.

Run all your Logistics business with the help of a trusted partner

24/7 customer support
All In one Solution
Customer Satisfaction